In fact, it’s just getting started. Let’s start by making a clarification: Typescript is NOT a programming language, rather a development tool. Its purpose is to make loosely typed language (javascript) into a strongly typed one. It enforces discipline by disallowing developers to cut corners or be straight-up sloppy. It’s much easier to be write bad code in javascript. Once devs get the hang of TS, which isn’t that difficult, they’ll all be converts. Look, if you need to do something quick & dirty, write the javascript. It’s no big deal. Depending on the snippet’s purpose and scope, just don’t expect to use it in production. I won’t go through the technical or operational differences regarding how each is deployed or the pros and cons of each. Rather, the bigger items are what matters most to management. Does it make the code base more reliable? YES. Is it very difficult to learn, causing the company longer and thus more expensive development? NO. Is it be difficult to implement? NO. Does Typescript receive regular updates and enjoy widespread community support? YES. Will some of the devs bellyache about it? Of course.
Exactly what is Typescript? It’s a superset of javascript. To illustrate: a developer writes the Typescript file and saves the it, which is then trans-piled (processed and output) on-the-fly to a javascript file the browser can read. That’s right, browsers don’t read native Typescript. FYI: the Typescript is maintained by Microsoft.
All the videos I’ve seen about people asking this question amount to nothing more than sour-grapes complaining. It’s level-red cynicism. Typescript does not allow the developer to continue with undisciplined practices and blatant laziness and they’re upset about it. (These are the same people who hate test-driven development.) Sometimes a developer outputs a larger javascript file than what they wrote in the Typescript file. This means it saved keystrokes, and thus time. Sometimes the opposite it true, which means the javascript file is usually more robust and not bloated. Either way, Typescript has your back. Much more often that not, Typescript-generated javascript is better quality than natively written javascript.
Again, Typescript is NOT dead. In fact, whenever someone declares a specific technology dead you should beware. People often say this and it’s usually untrue. How many languages were supposed to kill PHP? Cold Fusion, Ruby, Python,, etc. It never happened and most likely won’t.
Do not let strong opinions and cynicism sway you. Stay objective and research it for yourself. There are two sides to every story.
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